Landlord-Tenant Archives - Lee Steinberg Law Firm

Laws Meant to Protect Tenants Don’t Survive Michigan Court Ruling

Landlords scored a major victory this month when the Michigan Supreme Court refused to overturn or even hear oral arguments on a published case released by the Michigan Court of Appeals in March 2024. The ruling allows landlords to escape liability when they fail to adequately maintain their properties from slip-and-fall accidents, particularly falls on […]

How Do I Sue My Landlord for Injuries in Michigan?

Detroit Rental Injury Lawyers Landlords in Detroit and throughout Michigan have a duty to provide a safe and a habitable house, apartment or dwelling to their renters and tenants. Michigan law provides strict guidelines and rules under the Michigan Far Housing Act and other statutes.  These rules require landlords to ensure their properties are in […]

How Long After My Injury Can I Sue in Michigan?

Key Points of This Article: Statute of limitations are strict time frames to file a personal injury claim against another and to preserve the right for compensation and request a legal remedy from a Michigan court. Michigan’s statute of limitations varies for personal injuries depending on the type of claim and may involve motor vehicle […]

Common Causes of Personal Injury Due to Landlord Negligence

Landlord-Tenant Personal Injury Lawyers The landlord negligence injury attorneys at the Lee Steinberg Law Firm represent tenants and their guests all over Michigan who have been injured due to the negligence of a landlord or their property management company. These cases are different than standard slip-and-fall or other negligence cases. Tenants are specifically protected by […]

Michigan Supreme Court Upholds Favorable Ruling for Tenant – Hendrix v. Lautrec, Ltd.

Michigan Supreme Court Ruling Sets Positive Precedent for Injured Tenants The Michigan Supreme Court issued an interesting ruling late last week when it decided not to accept an application to hear a landlord-tenant personal injury case that began in Oakland County. The decision had been eagerly anticipated by many lawyers who specialize in Michigan slip […]

Michigan Appeals Court Finds Walkway Not Fit For Intended Use in Landlord-Tenant Injury Case

Michigan Landlord-Tenant Law – A Win for the Injured Party The Michigan Court of Appeals issued an important ruling on landlord-tenant personal injury cases. The case, Estate of Daniel Trueblood v. P&G Apartments, LLC, (docket no. 340642 published on 3/12/2019), could have far reaching implications as it may allow injured tenants to pursue cases for […]