Key Points of This Article:
- A new research study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that women are likely to be injured more severely if involved in a car accident.
- The data showed that men are more likely to be driving the striking vehicle.
- Women more often drive smaller, lighter vehicles making the injuries they suffer related to the types of crashes they are involved in much more serious than men.
- Under Michigan law, a person has three years from the accident date to file a lawsuit. Once the three years have passed, the plaintiff would have difficulty filing a case and would need to consult with a Michigan car accident attorney to learn about their legal options.
Research Says Gender May Contribute to Car Accident Injury Risk
Women are as much as 28% more likely to be killed in a motor vehicle accident and up to 73% percent more likely to be seriously injured. The alarming data sent researchers from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IHHS) to analyze men and women’s injuries in police-reported tow-away front and side crashes from 1998 to 2015. The research group supported by auto insurers looked into whether there was some sort of gender bias in motor vehicle crash risks or whether body type had anything to do with the injuries.
Among the IHHS research findings (February 11, 2021) were:
- In front crashes involving small vehicles, women were three times as likely to experience a broken bone, concussion, or other moderate injuries.
- Women were twice as likely to suffer a serious one like a collapsed lung or traumatic brain injury in front-end accidents.
- Men and women crashed in minivans and SUVs in about equal proportions, the researchers found. Around 70% of women hit in cars, compared with about 60% of men.
- More than 20% of men crashed in pickups, compared with less than 5% of women.
When studying crashes involving men and women in similar-size vehicles, the report says, “women were still twice as likely to be moderately injured and a bit more likely to be seriously hurt.” In particular, women are 2.5 times more likely to suffer moderate leg injuries. Men were also more likely to be driving the striking vehicle.
Similar studies from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have shown that a female driver or front passenger (even if wearing her seat belt) is 17% more likely than a male to be killed when a car crash occurs.
Learn How Our Michigan Car Accident Lawyers Have Helped Injured Women
Our legal team of personal injury lawyers specializes in representing all car accident injury victims, helping them obtain the benefits they deserve, and putting the pieces back together. We work hard to lead an investigation, including taking witness statements, gather medical information, and meet with experts to solidify the negligence of the at-fault driver. Our experienced team of Michigan car accident lawyers will take only your best interests into professional and thoughtful care to present your best case. Here is a sampling of the injured Michigan women we have represented and won settlements for over the last few years.
- A Midland County woman was hit by a drunk driver and seriously injured. The crash led to three separate surgeries, including repairing a shattered left femur, repairing a fracture to the right distal humeral shaft, and a right ankle fracture repair. The plaintiff was in rehabilitation for three months following the car accident. She was left with permanent scarring and other permanent ailments. Our team of Midland car accident attorneys supported her in winning an $850,000 settlement.
- The Lee Steinberg Law Firm, P.C. are very proud to win a settlement for a Davison, Michigan, woman involved in a car wreck. The accident occurred at the intersection of State Road and Lapeer Road in Davison. Our client, who was driving a Nissan, was violently struck by a man operating a Chevy Silverado. Without warning, he pulled in front of her vehicle while she was traveling northbound on State Road. At the time of the accident, the at-fault driving was attempting to make a left-hand turn into a parking lot. We are pleased about our client’s large settlement. It will allow her to move on with her life with her young family.
- Our client was driving for a well-known ride-sharing company when another vehicle failed to stop and violently rear-ended our client’s car. Our client sustained multiple injuries, including a low back herniation that required several epidural steroid injections and trigger point injections. She also had chiropractic treatment. The car insurance carrier responsible for paying her lost wages and medical bills refused to pay. A lawsuit was filed, and eventually, a settlement was made for all outstanding no-fault benefits and compensation for pain and suffering against the at-fault driver. We also preserved her claim for future medical expenses related to the car accident, and she received a $165,000 settlement.
For many women, taking care of their health is essential because they need to be well enough to help take care of everyone else, says the Kaiser Family Foundation. But sometimes, women aren’t able to get help for their injuries as quickly as they would like. Under Michigan law, a person has three years from the accident date to file a lawsuit. Once the three years have passed, the plaintiff cannot file the case against the defendant. When a lawsuit is filed, the statute of limitations is tolled or stopped. There are some exceptions to this three-year statute of limitations rule, so it always best to speak to a Michigan car accident attorney to learn about your legal options.
Do You Need to Talk to a Michigan Lawyer About Your Car Accident?
Our highest satisfaction comes from winning or settling a case and knowing our clients’ can rest more comfortably when their medical care, lost wages, and other expenses and family are being taken care of. If you’ve been involved in an accident in Michigan, contact us today for your FREE consultation or call us at 1-800-LEE-FREE. We can be there right to help alleviate your accident stressors and guide you to a winning settlement.
Also read: Social Media Posts Can Hurt Your Michigan Car Accident Claim
Source: Vehicle choice, crash differences help explain greater injury risks for women. (2021, February 11). IIHS-HLDI Crash Testing and Highway Safety.